Monday, October 18, 2010

The Branches and Sects

There are two main branches of Jainism: Digambara and Svetambara. The definition of Digambara is "one who is naked" or "one who has the sky as his clothes."  Men are the only ones allowed to become Digambara monks .  In this sect, it is recognized that you can not realize a higher power if you have anthing in your name.  Therefore, they do not have any material items.  They keep a peacock feather to sweep the ground so that they do not step on any organisms. The Svetambara sect, on the other hand, is far simpler.  The word "Svetambara" means "clad in white."  Men and women both are allowed to join this sect, and often dress in white. It is also common for them to wear a mask over their mouth and nose, as to not breathe in any organisms in the air.  Both sects follow the Mahavira teachings

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